Whether your goal is to protect margins, improve the structure of the balance sheet, or deliver market-leading customer experience, the role of debt purchase and collections is paramount. Retailers are now realising that optimising debt sales and internal collections operations are critical success factors to increase value in their non-core business areas.
Operating in the Retail sector for 13 years, Lowell has established itself as the market leader through its unrivalled client portfolio, number of customers served and enhanced solutions to support earlier arrears journeys. This has led to successful acquisitions with key clients and optimal strategies to help customers rebuild their financial position.
This case study details how we worked closely with our client to undertake a thorough review of their debt sale process, leveraging our best practice, market knowledge and unique insights gathered from historic spot sale transactions.
This case study details how we supported our client in providing the very best customer experience by taking positive steps to return credit balances back to their customers, whilst mitigating the regulation risks.
Lowell is a group of companies operating across Europe and includes: Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, Company Registration number 4857418, and Lowell Financial Ltd, Company Registration number 4558936, are registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: No.1 The Square, Thorpe Park View, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8GH. Lowell Financial Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.